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Midwifery Philosophy
My midwifery philosophy aligns with that of the International Confederation of Midwives. Pregnancy and child bearing is a profound experience which carries significant meaning to women, their families and community. This rite of passage is a normal physiological process for the majority of women. Women choosing midwifery care should be supported by holistic care in partnership with their midwife. Midwifery care should be grounded in an understanding of the social, emotional, cultural, spiritual and psychological experiences of women. Midwifery care should protect the health of women and assist in building their self confidence in their ability to give birth to their babies.
About me
My name is Robyn Fowler
I am a mother of two adult "kids" and my first pregnancy in 1996 set me on a journey full of light bulb moments, empowering me as a young woman to firmly believe in the wisdom of the body. This was the imprint for my midwifery journey and led me to commence the Bachelor of Midwifery in 2008, qualifying in 2010.
I have predominantly worked in low risk models of care and facilitated antenatal education since 2017. In 2021, I completed a Lactation Consultant training program and have been attending homebirths since 2022, supporting women and private midwives in the role of Second Midwife. In 2022, I attained a Post Graduate Certificate in Pharmacology for Midwifery Prescribing followed by the Endorsement for Private Midwifery Practice.
I am passionate about supporting physiology and helping women to discover their own wisdom and empowerment through education and midwifery care. My role is to support you through your pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey, sharing evidence based information to assist you and your family with informed decision making. I would love to help nurture you on your journey to parenthood.

Servicing the Illawarra and surrounds.
Antenatal Care
Antenatal care is dependent on clinical need but generally includes 13-15 appointments in your home, 1 to 2 hours long. Discussion & education is guided by your needs in preparation for life with baby.
I am endorsed to prescribe medications & can provide referrals for pathology, ultrasound & allied health requirements. Medicare rebates are available for antenatal services.
Labour and Birth Support
While I do not offer a homebirth service currently, I do offer labour & birth support and am available to be on call 24/7 from 36 weeks of pregnancy.
Due to insurance & legislative requirements, private midwives are unable to practice
midwifery in most public hospitals but can however, provide support to women throughout labour & birth.
Postnatal Care
Postnatal care is dependent on clinical need but generally includes 10 home visits from birth to 6 weeks. Care encompasses emotional support while navigating life with baby, newborn & maternal care including breastfeeding education & guidance.
Medicare rebates available for postnatal services.
Click the icon for links to evidence based resources
Dr Rachel Reed
The Midwives Cauldron Podcast
The Great Birth Rebellion Podcast
Dr Sara Wickham
Rhea Dempsey
Dr Sarah Buckley
The Birth Map - Catherine Bell
Dr Lily Nichols, Nutritionist
Dr Pamela Douglas, Possums Sleep Program
Dr Oscar Serralach
Core & Floor Restore AN Classes - FREE